Monday, May 22, 2023


I am looking, not quite desperately but maybe with some urgency, for some vintage Old And In The Way paper. Could be an Old And In The Way poster, could be an Old And In The Way handbill.

I am writing Fate Music, with a credible plan to finish the manuscript this calendar year. The above pictures my workspace two homes ago. I had aimed to have every major Garcia aggregation beyond the GD on a frame on the wall in my workspace to inspire me as I write. I have more now than what is shown, and a good many even of the lesser Garcia Band configurations, but the biggest hole is Old & In The Way.

Years back, Wolfgang's Vault had a beatup 5/25/73 poster, black and red, for like $700. I wish now I had pulled the trigger on it. There is not much OAITW paper of any kind - that handbill and poster, the 10/7/73 qua 11/4/74 bus handbill, not sure what else.

Your humble blogger hubly asks you to search your closets, shake the trees, ask your friends, etc. My OCD can't take it, and my Muse demands it.


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