LN jg1984-06-03.jgjk.all.sbd-unknown.81273.shn2flac
Bill Graham ran the Kabuki Nightclub in Japantown for a few years in the early 1980s, and Garcia played twice, both times acoustic with ol' buddy John Kahn. I am not a huge fan of the Garcia-Kahn acoustic duet, and these shows do nothing to move me from that basic position. Jerry still sounds somewhat youthful in '82, not at all the case two years later. Not much to report either way, though I did like the "Oh Babe It Ain't No Lie" from the '82 late show.
BTW - did Garcia (JGJK? JGB?) really play the Warfield on Saturday 8/21/82?
Jerry Garcia and John Kahn
Kabuki Nightclub
1881 Post Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
August 23, 1982 (Monday) - early (7:30 PM) and late (11 PM) shows
Menke MAC early-1, late shnid-12586 shn2flac
--early show (8 tracks, 1 tune missing, 54:37)--
e-t01. [0:19] Deep Elem Blues :20-
e-t02. Friend Of The Devil [7:06] [0:24]
e-t03. Little Sadie [3:34] [0:08]
e-t04. I've Been All Around This World [4:12] [0:41]
e-t05. Valerie [8:19] (1) [0:49]
e-t06. Simple Twist Of Fate [11:42] % [0:01]
e-t07. Oh Babe It Ain't No Lie [6:22] [0:04]
e-t08. Run For The Roses [4:23] (2) [0:17]
[MISSING: Ripple]
--late show main set + encore (11 tracks,
--late show main set (10 tracks,
l-t01. //It Takes A Lot To Laugh It Takes A Train To Cry [#5:24] [0:08]
l-t02. Dire Wolf [3:02] [0:20]
l-t03. To Lay Me Down [7:06] [0:18]
l-t04. Bird Song [8:25] [1:02]
l-t05. Going, Going, Gone [4:17] [0:03]
l-t06. Jack-A-Roe [4:40]
l-t07. Gomorrah [5:44]
l-t08. Run For The Roses [4:56] [0:12]
l-t09. Oh Babe It Ain't No Lie [5:44] ->
l-t10. Ripple [3:54] (3) [0:47]
--late show encore (1 track, 6:26)--
l-t11. Reuben And Cérise [6:11] (4) [0:15]
! ACT1: Jerry Garcia and John Kahn
! lineup: Jerry Garcia - ac-g, vocals;
! lineup: John Kahn - ac-b.
! Recording: symbols: % = recording discontinuity; / = clipped song; // = cut song; ... = fade in/out; # = truncated timing; [m:ss] = recorded event time. The recorded event time immediately after the song or item name is an attempt at getting the "real" time of the event. So, a timing of [m:ss] right after a song title is an attempt to say how long the song really was, as represented on this recording.
! Jerrybase: https://jerrybase.com/events/19820823-01 (early); https://jerrybase.com/events/19820823-02 (late)
! JGC: http://jerrygarcia.com/show/1982-08-23 (early); https://jerrygarcia.com/show/1982-08-23-kabuki-theater-san-francisco-ca-2/ (late)
! db: https://etreedb.org/shn/12586 (this fileset); https://etreedb.org/shn/106691 (early Jaret MAC)
! map: https://goo.gl/maps/tmuZ7bWNniw
! JGBP: https://jerrygarciasbrokendownpalaces.blogspot.com/2012/01/kabuki-theater-1881-post-street-at.html. He lists capacity 700, but I show 1,400. Ticket calls it Kabuki Night Club, ad calls it Kabuki Nightclub at Japan Center Theatre.
! ad: San Francisco Sunday Examiner and Chronicle Datebook, August 15, 1982, p. 28
! historic: comedienne Paula Poundstone opened the late show. These were the first Bay Area JGJK shows. First time for Garcia playing the Kabuki - only other time was two years later (6/3/84, also JGJK).
! R: field recordist: Bob Menke
! R: field recording gear: 2x Nakamichi 700 > Sony D5M
! R: field recording media: 2x (presumed) Maxell metal cassette, Dolby B
! R: field recording location: 25' from stage DFC
! R: Transfer: Cassette Master > Echo Event Gina A/D > Sound Forge 4.5 > CDR > EAC (secure mode) > CDWave (retracked on sb's) > SHN (MKWACT). Analog > Digital transfer by Bob Menke, EAC/Shn'ed by Charlie Connor.
! R: seeder notes: Seeded to fungus, and abgd 10/20/02. Correct sector boundaries verified with Shntool. Flaws: d1t06 - dropouts at 11:05 & 11:07; d2t03 - dropout at 1:32; d2t07 - dropout at 1:41; The dropouts were tightened up using Steinberg's Wavelab 3.0.
! e-t05 (1) JG, as if surprised to see the crowd in front of him: "Hi!"
! P: e-t06 STOF bass feature 6:27ff
! e-t08 (2) JG: "Thanks a lot. [inaudible]"
! P: l-t09 OBIANL maybe I am just in the mood for it, but this sounds especially heartfelt to my ears
! l-t10 (3) JG: "Thank ya."
! P: l-t11 RAC late 2 he has to ta-da-da through a verse, having forgotten it.
! l-t11 (4) JG: "Thanks a lot. See ya later."
Jerry Garcia and John Kahn
Kabuki Nightclub
1881 Post Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
June 3, 1984 (Sunday) - 9 PM
sbd shnid-81273 shnf2flac
--set I (6 tracks, 36:19)--
s1t01. //Deep Elem Blues [#6:30] (1) [0:12]
s1t02. Friend Of The Devil [7:29] (2) [0:10]
s1t03. Dire Wolf [3:25] (3) [0:03]
s1t04. Oh Babe, It Ain't No Lie [6:06]
s1t05. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry [7:26] (4) [0:02]
s1t06. Run For The Roses [4:40] (5) [0:17]
--set II (6 tracks, 45:56)--
s2t07. Little Sadie [4:25] (6) [0:07]
s2t08. To Lay //Me Down [7:#51] (7) [0:02]
s2t09. Valerie [8:05]
s2t10. Bird Song [13:40]
s2t11. Goodnight Irene (8) [6:54]
s2t12. Ripple [4:40] (9) [0:12]
! ACT1: Jerry Garcia and John Kahn
! lineup: Jerry Garcia - ac-g, vocals;
! lineup: John Kahn - ac-b.
! Recording: symbols: % = recording discontinuity; / = clipped song; // = cut song; ... = fade in/out; # = truncated timing; [m:ss] = recorded event time. The recorded event time immediately after the song or item name is an attempt at getting the "real" time of the event. So, a timing of [m:ss] right after a song title is an attempt to say how long the song really was, as represented on this recording.
! JGC: http://jerrygarcia.com/show/1982-08-23 (early); https://jerrygarcia.com/show/1982-08-23-kabuki-theater-san-francisco-ca-2/ (late)
! db: https://etreedb.org/shn/12586 (this fileset); https://etreedb.org/shn/106691 (early Jaret MAC)
! map: https://goo.gl/maps/tmuZ7bWNniw
! JGBP: https://jerrygarciasbrokendownpalaces.blogspot.com/2012/01/kabuki-theater-1881-post-street-at.html. He lists capacity 700, but I show 1,400. Ticket calls it Kabuki Night Club, ad calls it Kabuki Nightclub at Japan Center Theatre.
! ad: San Francisco Sunday Examiner and Chronicle Datebook, August 15, 1982, p. 28
! historic: comedienne Paula Poundstone opened the late show. These were the first Bay Area JGJK shows. First time for Garcia playing the Kabuki - only other time was two years later (6/3/84, also JGJK).
! R: field recordist: Bob Menke
! R: field recording gear: 2x Nakamichi 700 > Sony D5M
! R: field recording media: 2x (presumed) Maxell metal cassette, Dolby B
! R: field recording location: 25' from stage DFC
! R: Transfer: Cassette Master > Echo Event Gina A/D > Sound Forge 4.5 > CDR > EAC (secure mode) > CDWave (retracked on sb's) > SHN (MKWACT). Analog > Digital transfer by Bob Menke, EAC/Shn'ed by Charlie Connor.
! R: seeder notes: Seeded to fungus, and abgd 10/20/02. Correct sector boundaries verified with Shntool. Flaws: d1t06 - dropouts at 11:05 & 11:07; d2t03 - dropout at 1:32; d2t07 - dropout at 1:41; The dropouts were tightened up using Steinberg's Wavelab 3.0.
! e-t05 (1) JG, as if surprised to see the crowd in front of him: "Hi!"
! P: e-t06 STOF bass feature 6:27ff
! e-t08 (2) JG: "Thanks a lot. [inaudible]"
! P: l-t09 OBIANL maybe I am just in the mood for it, but this sounds especially heartfelt to my ears
! l-t10 (3) JG: "Thank ya."
! P: l-t11 RAC late 2 he has to ta-da-da through a verse, having forgotten it.
! l-t11 (4) JG: "Thanks a lot. See ya later."
Jerry Garcia and John Kahn
Kabuki Nightclub
1881 Post Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
June 3, 1984 (Sunday) - 9 PM
sbd shnid-81273 shnf2flac
--set I (6 tracks, 36:19)--
s1t01. //Deep Elem Blues [#6:30] (1) [0:12]
s1t02. Friend Of The Devil [7:29] (2) [0:10]
s1t03. Dire Wolf [3:25] (3) [0:03]
s1t04. Oh Babe, It Ain't No Lie [6:06]
s1t05. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry [7:26] (4) [0:02]
s1t06. Run For The Roses [4:40] (5) [0:17]
--set II (6 tracks, 45:56)--
s2t07. Little Sadie [4:25] (6) [0:07]
s2t08. To Lay //Me Down [7:#51] (7) [0:02]
s2t09. Valerie [8:05]
s2t10. Bird Song [13:40]
s2t11. Goodnight Irene (8) [6:54]
s2t12. Ripple [4:40] (9) [0:12]
! ACT1: Jerry Garcia and John Kahn
! lineup: Jerry Garcia - ac-g, vocals;
! lineup: John Kahn - ac-b.
! Recording: symbols: % = recording discontinuity; / = clipped song; // = cut song; ... = fade in/out; # = truncated timing; [m:ss] = recorded event time. The recorded event time immediately after the song or item name is an attempt at getting the "real" time of the event. So, a timing of [m:ss] right after a song title is an attempt to say how long the song really was, as represented on this recording.
! Jerrybase: https://jerrybase.com/events/19840603-01
! JGC: http://jerrygarcia.com/show/1984-06-03
! db: https://etreedb.org/shn/8912 (sbd, shnf); https://etreedb.org/shn/10134 (sbd, shnf); https://etreedb.org/shn/81273 (this fileset); https://etreedb.org/shn/93922 (Abrams Nak 300 MAC, flac1644); https://etreedb.org/shn/108054 (Greeney55 MAC, flac1644).
! map: https://goo.gl/maps/tmuZ7bWNniw
! JGBP: https://jerrygarciasbrokendownpalaces.blogspot.com/2012/01/kabuki-theater-1881-post-street-at.html. He lists capacity 700, but I show 1,400 (Selvin 1996), while Golden Road brief review of this show pegs it at 1,100.
! historic: Robert Hunter opened for this second of two Garcia dates at the Kabuki (the other being 8/23/82, with early and late shows).
! official: More of the Best [3 track bonus CD that was distributed with pre-ordered copies of The Very Best Of Jerry Garcia] (Rhino, 2006) (t03-Dire Wolf)
! review: "Deadline," Golden Road no. 03 (Summer 1984), p. 6. "Garcia had slight problems projecting his vocals, and Kahn seemed utterly lost on the Dead material" (GR03 p.6).

! R: SBD -> Cm -> Dat -> CD -> EAC -> SHN
! R: s1t01 DEB cuts in
! s1t01 (1) JG: "Thank you."
! s1t02 (2) JG: "Thank you."
! s1t03 (3) JG: "Thank you."
! P: s1t04 OBIANL John sounds lost at the start of this.
! s1t05 (4) JG: "Thank you."
! s1t06 (5) JG: "Thank you. We're gonna take a little short break, and we'll be in ... a little later."
! s2t07 (6) JG: "Thank you."
! R: s2t08 TLMD splice @ 6:22.
! P: s2t08 TLMD some interesting extended vocal work at the end. No biggie, but not nothing.
! s2t08 (7) JG: "Thank you."
! P: s2t09 Valerie interesting work late 4, different tone that I recall having heard on other acoustic versions of this tune.
! s2t11 (8) JG: "Thank you."
! s2t12 (9) JG: "Thanks a lot. See y'all later on."
! JGC: http://jerrygarcia.com/show/1984-06-03
! db: https://etreedb.org/shn/8912 (sbd, shnf); https://etreedb.org/shn/10134 (sbd, shnf); https://etreedb.org/shn/81273 (this fileset); https://etreedb.org/shn/93922 (Abrams Nak 300 MAC, flac1644); https://etreedb.org/shn/108054 (Greeney55 MAC, flac1644).
! map: https://goo.gl/maps/tmuZ7bWNniw
! JGBP: https://jerrygarciasbrokendownpalaces.blogspot.com/2012/01/kabuki-theater-1881-post-street-at.html. He lists capacity 700, but I show 1,400 (Selvin 1996), while Golden Road brief review of this show pegs it at 1,100.
! historic: Robert Hunter opened for this second of two Garcia dates at the Kabuki (the other being 8/23/82, with early and late shows).
! official: More of the Best [3 track bonus CD that was distributed with pre-ordered copies of The Very Best Of Jerry Garcia] (Rhino, 2006) (t03-Dire Wolf)
! review: "Deadline," Golden Road no. 03 (Summer 1984), p. 6. "Garcia had slight problems projecting his vocals, and Kahn seemed utterly lost on the Dead material" (GR03 p.6).

! R: SBD -> Cm -> Dat -> CD -> EAC -> SHN
! R: s1t01 DEB cuts in
! s1t01 (1) JG: "Thank you."
! s1t02 (2) JG: "Thank you."
! s1t03 (3) JG: "Thank you."
! P: s1t04 OBIANL John sounds lost at the start of this.
! s1t05 (4) JG: "Thank you."
! s1t06 (5) JG: "Thank you. We're gonna take a little short break, and we'll be in ... a little later."
! s2t07 (6) JG: "Thank you."
! R: s2t08 TLMD splice @ 6:22.
! P: s2t08 TLMD some interesting extended vocal work at the end. No biggie, but not nothing.
! s2t08 (7) JG: "Thank you."
! P: s2t09 Valerie interesting work late 4, different tone that I recall having heard on other acoustic versions of this tune.
! s2t11 (8) JG: "Thank you."
! s2t12 (9) JG: "Thanks a lot. See y'all later on."