I stand by my initial assessment - this book is the real deal, chock full of great tidbits, fluently written. This is a great addition to the canon, standing alongside Jackson, McNally and the rest.
Browne's method involved lots of interviews and access to
materials with and from just about all of the key survivors at the very center
of the Grateful Dead world. As a scholar, I lament that the move to improve the
transparency of work done using qualitative methods underway in various scientific
fields, which is a very good thing, could never work for this kind of writing.
I will treat specific facts given by Browne as correct, unless I can find
something to raise doubts. I rarely do.
The usual reading notes methodology. I know the endnotes don't format properly on blogger - one gets that for which one has paid, and I need to do it this way for my own purposes. Notes below the fold.
The usual reading notes methodology. I know the endnotes don't format properly on blogger - one gets that for which one has paid, and I need to do it this way for my own purposes. Notes below the fold.