Jackson, Blair. 2014. Classic Track - New Riders of the Purple Sage, 'Dirty Business'
Mix Online, January 1, 2014. URL
http://mixonline.com/classic-tracks/classic_track_-_new_riders_of_the_purple_sage_dirty_business/, accessed 10/3/2014.
I have had this in my "xfer-incoming" folder since it was published, still need to read it. It looks awesome. Note to self.
Blair's write up is quite fascinating for his descriptiions of how Phil Lesh played a huge role in the recording of NRPS. Of course, I looked at the credits (on Deaddisc) and saw that Phil Lesh was listed as Executive Producer along with engineer Stephen Barncard. I never noticed that--I bought the album in 1972--and no one has ever asked or commented on it.